purewasabi ‘Mousetrap’

purewasabi ‘Mousetrap’
Also known as a toastie and probably many other names, this has traditionally been made in New Zealand using a spread of Marmite (a yeast extract similar to vegemite) on the toast before adding just cheese or pineapple, ham and cheese. Now, forget the Marmite, instead use a spread of purewasabi paste, on the toast, then ham pineapple and your favourite cheese. Under the griller until the cheese melts and begins to brown. Serve straight from the oven.
This is simply mouth watering, delicious. This is one where I like to lavish on the wasabi, so as I nibble the hot ‘mousetrap, trying not to burn my lips on the melting cheese,’ I get the full burst of a wasabi hit. Amazing if it’s winter and you have a slight cold. Totally clears the sinuses.
Helpful Hint: The ‘wasabi hit’ (pungency) is released in your mouth as the purewasabi paste warms. It is affecting the back of your mouth and nasal passages. Too hot? Breath in through your nose to take it away from your nose. Need a bit more of a hit? Stop breathing or even allow the air in your mouth to move out through your nose. OK don’t forget to start breathing again.
purewasabi is a one-off hit. It is very polite and doesn’t burn your gullet nor does it repeat on you all night. Using purewasabi by Coppersfolly you are in control of the ‘hit’.
purewasabi on a Bread Stick

purewasabi on a Bread Stick
Personally we would never go back to using garlic butter now that we’ve used wasabi butter in a bread stick. We use about one third purewasabi paste to two thirds butter. You can vary this according to your taste. Warm the butter so it mixes easily with the wasabi. Half cut the bread stick and jam plenty of wasabi butter into each cut. Heat in the oven or microwave and serve as the melted wasabi butter is dribbling off your fingers and down your chin. It is heavenly! Forget a main course, just fill up on wasabi bread. Great with soup.
Again remember that the pungency of the wasabi will be dampened by the butter so don’t be afraid to use plenty.
Wasabi Chicken Noodle Patties Recipe by Fig & Cherry
This exciting recipe was supplied by Christie Connelly of Fig & Cherry who first tried purewasabi at the Taste of Sydney Festival held in March 2009 in Sydney.

Chicken Noodle Patties by fig & cherry
This recipe serves 4
Don’t be alarmed by the long list of ingredients. Once you’ve got them all prepared, the rest of the cooking process is super easy!
100g vermicelli rice noodles
500g chicken mince
4-5 kaffir lime leaves, centre stem removed and finely sliced
1 green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
1 bunch coriander, leaves, stems and roots finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1/2 lime, juiced
2 teaspoons purewasabi
1 egg, lightly beaten
4 tablespoons peanut oil, for pan frying
- Soak the rice noodles in warm water until softened (about 15 minutes). Drain and roughly chop into shorter lengths.
- Add the rice noodles and all the remaining ingredients except the peanut oil to a large bowl and mix thoroughly. It’s best to use your hands for this.
- With wet hands shape the mixture into 8 even patties and chill, covered, for 30 minutes to firm them up. Pre-heat the oven to 180C/350F.
- Heat a large frying pan and add half the peanut oil. Fry 4 of the patties for 2-3 minutes each side and transfer to a baking dish. Repeat with the remaining oil and patties.
- Place in the oven to finish cooking (about 15-20 minutes). Serve with salad or steamed vegetables and extra purewasabi on the side.
To find out more about Christie’s fabulous food tastes follow her on her website and blog at
Her blog has comments about the recipe
purewasabi & Ham Sandwich
One of the nice things about wasabi is it accentuates the flavour of food. None more so than wasabi in a ham sandwich. For this very reason some chefs use wasabi and ice cream as a sorbet in order that it cleanses the palate for the next course.

purewasabi & Ham Sandwich
Undoubtedly one of our favourite uses of wasabi is to spread some purewasabi inside the ham sandwich. It creates a sharper, fuller flavour. Again how much you use is over to you. A little will give a delightful, mild tingle in your mouth, while a lot will give every wasabi lover the full, nasal clearing ‘hit’. Even better, no nasty chemical, metallic aftermath that comes with the artificial pastes.
But don’t stop there, purewasabi can make a treat out of any club sandwich, bread roll, Dagwood sandwich, and croissant. The presence of butter or cheese tends to dampen the pungency of wasabi.
If you have more recipes you would like to share, just let us know!